Ski and Snowboard Instuctor
61 Days Ago
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Ski and Snowboard Instructors have the most important job on the mountain.  They are the face of Mount Pleasant and it is their job to educate the first-time skier or snowboarder. Ski and Snowboard Instructors work a complex schedule.  They are called upon as needed but will have a set schedule for the majority of the season that will be determined in January.  Ski and Snowboard instructors must have excellent skills on the hill, but most importantly stellar communication skills.  

Job Info
Job Category: Instructor
Minimum Age: 14 years old
Pay Rate / Salary: Up to $12
City: Edinboro
Zipcode: 16412
Posted: 07/17/2024
Age: -
Minimum Education: University
Degree Title:
Minimum Experience: 3 Year
Career Level: Entry Level
Work Permit:
Required Travel:
Job Status: Interviewing
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 07/16/2024
Stop Publishing: 01/17/2025
Edinboro, Pennsylvania, United States
Prefered Skills
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